High Efficiency Thermal Energy Recovery Plant

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High Efficiency Thermal Energy Recovery Plant

High Efficiency Thermal Energy Recovery Plant

Adopting with laser-welding dimple plate heat exchanger
Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
High Efficiency Thermal Energy Recovery Plant
Product introduction


● When heating to 98-99 , wort goes into wort kettle in the state of sub-boling.

● Water sealed tank is adopted as vacuum and overpressure safety device.

● Multiple combination modes are available for thermal energy recovery water tank.


Technical Parameters:

● Thermal energy water inlet temperature: 78-80℃

● Thermal energy water outlet temperature: 95-97℃

● Wort temperature before preheating: 76℃

● Wort temperature at inlet of wort kettle: 98℃

● Recovery method: recovery under atmospheric pressure, recovery under low pressure

● Effect: energy saving over 30%

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