Elastic Tubular Bandage (Latex)

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Elastic Tubular Bandage (Latex)

Elastic Tubular Bandage (Latex)

Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
Elastic Tubular Bandage (Latex)
Product introduction
●Composition: 82% cotton and 18% rubber

1. 360 degree compression and support
2. Seamless, knit tubular construction
3. Ravel-free, run-free cutability
4. Secures without pins, clips or tape
5. Easy to cut for joint/appendage openings

●Applications: 1. For use in treating soft tissue injuries, edema reduction, Sports in juries, post-burn scarring, sprains, strains and for post-cast support, securing wound dressings and covering, plaster bandages and dressings
2. For use as a double layer for additional compression and support.




Product Order No. Size Stretched Width Suggest Applications
Tubular bandage
MG510100 A 4.5cm Small Limbs
MG510200 B 6.25cm Hands, Feet or Small Lower Legs
MG510300 C 6.75cm Lower Legs or Arms
MG510400 D 7.5cm Kness or Small Thighs
MG510500 E 8.75cm Large Kness or Thighs
MG510600 F 10cm Large Thighs
MG510700 G 12cm Small Trunks
MG510800 H 17.5cm Medium Trunks
MG510900 I 21.5cm Large Trunks
MG511000 J 32.5cm Small Limbs
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