Standard Adhesive Sterile Bandages

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Standard Adhesive Sterile Bandages

Standard Adhesive Sterile Bandages

Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
Standard Adhesive Sterile Bandages
Product introduction


● Breathable, comfortable protection.

● Long-lasing adhesive, secure and continuous fixation.

● Highly absorbent cushion pad.

● Safe barrier against germs and bacteria.

● Waterproof or non-waterproof.Elastic or non-elastic.

Size(W×L) Materials Packing
76×50mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
75×25mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
72×19mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
55×18mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
38×38mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
40×10mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
Φ22mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
Φ25 mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
45×51mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
76×45mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
76×38mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box
100×50mm Fabric/ Plastic / Non-woven 20/30/50/75/100 pcs per box

Above are all standard items.Custom product size, material, color and packing are available upon request.

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