Pain Relief Patches-Gel Type

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Pain Relief Patches-Gel Type

Pain Relief Patches-Gel Type

Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
Pain Relief Patches-Gel Type
Product introduction


● Attach lightly to the skin therefore comfortable and easy-to-use.

● Painless to remove.

● Fast and long-lasting effect.

● Hypoallergenic design.

● Improve circulation in area of discomfort. May support the body's natural healing process.

Size(W×L) Materials Packing
6.3cm×4cm Menthol/Capsicum 10 pieces per box
8cm×12cm Menthol/Capsicum Individually Packed
10cm×14cm Menthol/Capsicum Individually Packed
12cm×18cm Menthol/Capsicum Individually Packed

All the above are standard items. Custom product sizes, ingredients and shapes are available upon request.

Extra plasters available for holding gel patch in place.


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