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Electronic Valve Filler

Electronic Valve Filler

l sanitary design energy conservation
l safe operation and less noise
l prominent practicability and flexibility
Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
Electronic Valve Filler
Product introduction

Electronic Valve Filler

● sanitary design energy conservation

● safe operation and less noise

● prominent practicability and flexibility



● Time control of filling, cylinder opens the valve at definite time, filling parameters do not vary with the speed of main machine

● Pre-evacuation inside bottles, back pressure, steam sterilization and quick/slow filling are all controlled by PLC, filling process can be completely isobaric with no bubble parameter correction is available Stem seals with metallic bellows and rubber diaphragm ensures aseptic

● Simple structure of valve body with no dead angles

● Two filling modes, quick filling and slow filling, ensures filling precision and stability

● Level with probe control and correction function.

● Level precision can be controlled in±2mm.

● No blowing for return tube in case of beer haze contaminating the filling environment

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