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Single-end bottle washer

Single-end bottle washer

Lehui LHPBDX single-end bottle washer
Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
Single-end bottle washer
Product introduction


● Finger guidance at bottle infeed

● Multi-stage pre-spraying and pre-soaking

● Several caustic baths, complete with label removal system

● Hydrogen exhaust device on the top

● Top cover is made of SUS materials with water ring seaming

● No dropping of bottles due to finger guidance in discharge

● Modular design

● Bottle infeed or discharge boxes are made of stainless steel

● High degree of automation

● Human-machine interface

● Spraying water can be reused

● Sanitary design


Technical Tata

Range of application Glass bottles



Capacity: 15000~52000 bph

Number of bottle cells per row: 20~47 pieces

Pitch of bottle cells: 95mm

Chain pitch: 155mm

Label removing unit: 3~5 sets

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